i'm currently dating this old man. i steal him for a few weeks for this school holidays. he is my loyal follower. we're going out together almost everyday. he's like the only guy i've ever knew. the only one who can stand me. the only person who knows me best. i never thought this will give huge impact in my life but today on car, he suddenly said 'macam mana la ada orang mau sama meng kalo balik-balik bejalan sama saya. cuba bilang berapa ramai kawan meng yang masih bejalan bedua sama bapa nya?'. tetttttttt. nada. according to him, that makes me even harder to be approach by any guy. he's now putting down his daddy's cap and replace it with the man's cap. i have no problem with this. if there was a guy who dare to approach me when i'm with my dad, i salute you man. that's what i call brave. that's what i call real gentlemen. is this kind of guy still exist now? like when you want to go out with someone's daughter, you call her father asking for his permission. cause that's what my dad used to do when he wants to date my mum. (according to mum). i know if i want to wait for someone like my dad, that's never gonna happen. i'll end up alone perhaps. that would be much better i bet than have to sleep alone when you supposed to sleep together.
but at the same time, there still a hole inside my heart that longing for a real guy. i'm tired of being lonely. i'm scared i'd end up alone. i know that impossible cause i know dad would never let that happen to me. insya Allah.