Saturday, January 16, 2010


i just don't understand boys
why is it so hard t understand them
it's not like it a rocket science
they just another dumb things that i need to understand
they like fashion and make up
another essential thins that i need to know
i don't really know what they want to see in me
i don't know what they really seek in me
i'm just ordinary
why do they have to please me
why do they have to treat me differently from the other girl
why do they have to like me more
i'm tired of them calling me dady's girl though it still true
i'm tired of their weird face starring at me
i'm tired of other asking me "how could you get anything you ever wish for in just a blink of eyes"
i'm tired of answering them "the charm of a girl"
i'm tired of being hate by the other girl
i'm tired of being called MANJA
that's just the way i m
i need you
coz i'm fuckingly miss your wisdom word about this ADAM