Friday, January 11, 2013


social apps really help to connect people.

me: school bored me. texting with nj just now.
G: about?
me: hot steamy sex in cold weather. she misses jerr.
G: then?
me: nothing. macam nice. cuddle inside the blanket.
G: no. have sex under it for 2-3 hours. teori 11 minutes coelho silap. i can go further.
me: mygod!!! G baca coelho?
G: patterson, stephen kings and yada, yada, yada.
me: you never say anything before.
shit. i really wish i have hubby teaching in the same school.
G: you never ask. why?
me: mau sneak to the lab la. macam dalam Grey's Anatomy.
G: dulu ajak kawin, jual mahal.
me: you're not teaching pun. you're not even here.
G: still.
me: kalau ajak sekarang pun, the answer still be no.
not because you're married or what.
G: ya ya ya. because of H. i really wish to meet this guy.
me: tengok ja frodo.
 lapar. mau pigi kantin. kbye.

then that night i received a text from him saying "i really wish we could turn back time. i'm going to make you fall for me. hard". and it makes me thinking. a lot. i come to a conclusion. buta mata hati.