Thursday, October 20, 2011

stranger call

pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka. lihat saja en.ruang asing. membaca paragraph pertama entry terbaru nya membuat aku tersenyum penuh kesyukuran. pada hal entah siapa dia. cuma kadang-kadang ada connection yang menghubung jalan hidup kami.

hidayah Allah ada di mana-mana. cuma kita yang harus lebih peka pada persekitaran. itu yang aku percaya. suatu waktu dulu, aku adalah orang yang sering mempertanya kan soalan "bila hidayah tu mau sampai ke tempat ku?" kepada budak kecik. seperti biasa juga tanya ku di jawab dengan pelbagai kata-kata nasihat. bila kini aku di tanya kan tanya itu, aku cuma mampu senyum dan bilang "turn kau akan sampai juga kalau kau minta tanpa henti".

budak kecik: syukur juga kau kena begini time period. kalau tidak, nda dapat bayang kan macam mana kau solat duduk.
aku: jangan la. aku mana pandai solat duduk.
budak kecik: maka nya di pelajari.
nampak sangat jahil.

cerita lain.
i just can't accept when a pregnant wife asking for help from a husband but he refused to do whatever the request is. tidak masuk akal. small thing like help to take a question paper from the copy room is enough to make a girl feel appreciated and loved. is it that hard to do so? even for someone like him who is nothing to me is willing to do without being ask. let alone you as a husband. you should go back and learn how to appreciate a girl. for Allah sake, it's your baby she's having in her womb right this moment.
it's not easy to find the right one, no? people change once they married. or should i say that it's hard for people to change? you've been living alone for so long, i know. at least take some time to observe your surrounding. see how others treat their wife. learn how to treat a lady. it won't bring you any harm. women like to be treated like a princess. and you know what good they can bring you once they feel loved.
i know who am i to say all this things. i'm just a single girl who knows nothing about marriage. but i am preparing myself right now to be better for that moment. i learn to be a good wife. just in case. at the same time i keep praying that Allah will shield the eyes of this kind of guy from me. hoping that one day HE will send someone who love me the way i love him. who treat me the way a woman should be treated. i know he is somewhere out there preparing himself for me too. i have faith in Allah's words...;)

some say this kind of thing is kisas or karma. if it's that so, i should fret not for i've been watching such a TLC from the men in my family towards their women.