just say good bye and good night to our little cullen family. here i am alone again after having a blast of laugh with them.
last night when i chat with amir on fb, i told him "mesti sedap kan hujan-hujan begini makan nasi panas sama masak lomak cili api". and just now we're having masak lomak cili api udang for dinner. sedap sekali.
and what's the best of all is every one said finally they can eat hot rice in such a comfy place. faizal, amir, joild and iwan bertambah-tambah nasi makan. budak kecik pun seems happy with the food. me? don't ask. there's nothing compare to see their happy face having dinner at my place. i'm content with happiness. seriously. i'll trade the world just to see those smiles again and again. the food. the drink. the desserts. every thing is marvelous.
i think we should do this every weekend with a different menu.
you, bagus buang tu handphone sana. kalau nda pun, nda payah pakai terus.